Sunday, October 12, 2008

Meet Max

I've been tagged by Erica... It's all about Max...
Name and Meaning: His name is Max Eric Alder. He is actually named after an old SV Quarterback. The day we found out we were having a boy, Eric suggested the name, although he was three days old before he was officially Max. His middle name is after his dad.
Age: 3 years and 5 months
Nicknames: Max Boy, Max-a-roo, Buddy, Little Man
Favorite Activities: Playing outside, reading books, playing with play dough, watching his shows, playing with his dad, going to Grandmas, and playing with toys
Favorite Foods: Fruit, sippy cup full of apple juice, chicken nuggets, fruit leather, treats, beef jerky, and fruit snacks
Least Favorite Foods: anything that is sticky or will get his hands dirty or is hard to get on his spoon or fork
Favorite Music: Sherry Baby by the Four Seasons and the whole Jersey Boys sound track
Favorite Toy: His instruments, drum, piano, recorder, horns, bells; blocks, footballs, and tractors
Favorite Book: All of them! Hamish the Highland Cow, If You Give a Pig a Pancake (and all those books)
Favorite Item of Clothing: His football coaches clothes (basketball shorts with a matching shirt, he says he looks like a football coach like his dad)
What makes him happy: His pony, when his dad comes home from work, when it's a school day, making his sister laugh, and when he gets to be at Grandmas without me
What makes him sad: when he doesn't get what he wants (TV, candy, Grandmas House), when he has to sit in time out, and when his sister takes his stuff

I love you buddy! Thanks for being my favorite Boy and my Best Buddy!

I tag Ashley with Grace, Ashley with Chase and Brittany with Ethan (only if you want, I noticed you did a little thing on Ethan not too long ago!)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cute Ali Girl

I have to brag. Ali is such a cute girl and such a good baby. She is 6 months old now and I have loved each day of it. She is a show off and loves to get people's attention and have them make a big deal of her. This is her new trick with her dad. When she does it, I have to look at her and clap and cheer, and she just glows!

Haircut or Boxing Match

I tried giving Max a haircut. He didn't want too, so... Eric had to hold him down and he fought and fought us. He ended up getting a bloody nose and the blood got everywhere. Please don't think we beat our child!

School Boy

Max started preschool this fall. So far he loves it - although he has tested his teachers limits a few times. He is excited to go each day. I hope that continues. He goes Tuesdays and Thursdays for two hours in the afternoon. I must admit that the two hours go by way too fast! I am sure proud of him and love to hear him tell me about it each time. Here are a few pictures of his first day. He loves his spider-man backpack and wanted pictures of that rather than himself.