Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is always such a fun time of year. With kids it is getting funner and funner. Max was really into Santa this year and knew all about him, his reindeer, his sleigh and bag of toys, and what you had to do to get your present from Santa. He even willing sat on his lap this year! Ali however was scared to death.
We spent Christmas Eve at my parents this year, all of us together for Christmas since 2003. Max was a wiseman in the Nativity play.
Christmas morning at our home was so fun. Max opened presents for us all.
Then we went back to my parents for breakfast and presents, then to Eric's parents for another breakfast and even more gifts! We really were spoiled!

The day after Christmas, we played with our new toys, Eric and Max shoveled all the new snow and Ali turned 9 months old!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I got this from Kiesha's blog...
Copy and paste it into your blog, bold the things you've done and have fun!

1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than you can afford to charity 7. Been to Disneyland 8. Climbed a mountain 9. Held a praying mantis 10. Sang a solo 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14. Taught yourself an art from scratch 15. Adopted a child 16. Had food poisoning 17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty. 18. Grown your own vegetables 19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France 20. Slept on an overnight train 21. Had a pillow fight 22. Hitch hiked 23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 24. Built a snow fort 25. Held a lamb 26. Gone skinny dipping 27. Run a Marathon 28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice 29. Seen a total eclipse 30. Watched a sunrise or sunset 31. Hit a home run . 32. Been on a cruise 33. Seen Niagara Falls in person 34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 35. Seen an Amish community 36. Taught yourself a new language 37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person 39. Gone rock climbing 40. Seen Michelangelo’s David 41. Sung karaoke 42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt 43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant 44. Visited Africa 45. Walked on a beach by moonlight 46. Been transported in an ambulance 47. Had your portrait painted 48. Gone deep sea fishing 49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person 50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris 51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling 52. Kissed in the rain 53. Played in the mud 54. Gone to a drive-in theater 55. Been in a movie or on a TV show 56. Visited the Great Wall of China 57. Started a business 58. Taken a martial arts class 59. Visited Russia 60. Served at a soup kitchen 61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies 62. Gone whale watching 63. Got flowers for no reason 64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma 65. Gone sky diving 66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp 67. Bounced a check 68. Flown in a helicopter 69. Saved a favorite childhood toy 70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial 71. Eaten Caviar 72. Pieced a quilt. 73. Stood in Times Square 74. Toured the Everglades 75. Been fired from a job 76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London 77. Broken a bone 78. Been on a speeding motorcycle 79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person 80. Published a book 81. Visited the Vatican 82. Bought a brand new car 83. Walked in Jerusalem 84. Had your picture in the newspaper 85. Read the entire Bible 86. Visited the White House 87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 88. Had chickenpox 89. Saved someone’s life 90. Sat on a jury 91. Met someone famous 92. Joined a book club 93. Lost a loved one 94. Had a baby 95. Seen the Alamo in person 96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake 97. Been involved in a law suit 98. Owned a cell phone 99. Been stung by a bee.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Welcome Home Elder Carlson

My youngest brother, Vic returned from his mission to Ukraine last night, November 13th. His flight didn't get in until 11:15pm, so it was a late night for us all, but one we would never miss! We were all so excited to see him. I think it was the longest day of Max's life waiting to leave for the airport. It's amazing how it seams like he's been gone forever and only just left. Alot changed while he was serving; we moved back from Morgan, Eric has a new job, my Mom broke her leg, Ali was born, Max grew up, my Grandpa died, and our family dog died. However, more things actually stayed the same. We love you Vic and we are excited to have you home!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Fun

Halloween is always so much fun. Max really captured the whole idea of Halloween this year. He got his full share of it all too! He was a spider this year and loved wearing his costume. Last week we went to the Pumpkin Walk, Max really looked at each scene. His favorite part was the places to put his face through.

Tuesday we carved pumpkins, which when it was all said and done, I ended up finishing all by myself once the kids were in bed, but it started out fun, just alot of work!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Meet Max

I've been tagged by Erica... It's all about Max...
Name and Meaning: His name is Max Eric Alder. He is actually named after an old SV Quarterback. The day we found out we were having a boy, Eric suggested the name, although he was three days old before he was officially Max. His middle name is after his dad.
Age: 3 years and 5 months
Nicknames: Max Boy, Max-a-roo, Buddy, Little Man
Favorite Activities: Playing outside, reading books, playing with play dough, watching his shows, playing with his dad, going to Grandmas, and playing with toys
Favorite Foods: Fruit, sippy cup full of apple juice, chicken nuggets, fruit leather, treats, beef jerky, and fruit snacks
Least Favorite Foods: anything that is sticky or will get his hands dirty or is hard to get on his spoon or fork
Favorite Music: Sherry Baby by the Four Seasons and the whole Jersey Boys sound track
Favorite Toy: His instruments, drum, piano, recorder, horns, bells; blocks, footballs, and tractors
Favorite Book: All of them! Hamish the Highland Cow, If You Give a Pig a Pancake (and all those books)
Favorite Item of Clothing: His football coaches clothes (basketball shorts with a matching shirt, he says he looks like a football coach like his dad)
What makes him happy: His pony, when his dad comes home from work, when it's a school day, making his sister laugh, and when he gets to be at Grandmas without me
What makes him sad: when he doesn't get what he wants (TV, candy, Grandmas House), when he has to sit in time out, and when his sister takes his stuff

I love you buddy! Thanks for being my favorite Boy and my Best Buddy!

I tag Ashley with Grace, Ashley with Chase and Brittany with Ethan (only if you want, I noticed you did a little thing on Ethan not too long ago!)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cute Ali Girl

I have to brag. Ali is such a cute girl and such a good baby. She is 6 months old now and I have loved each day of it. She is a show off and loves to get people's attention and have them make a big deal of her. This is her new trick with her dad. When she does it, I have to look at her and clap and cheer, and she just glows!

Haircut or Boxing Match

I tried giving Max a haircut. He didn't want too, so... Eric had to hold him down and he fought and fought us. He ended up getting a bloody nose and the blood got everywhere. Please don't think we beat our child!

School Boy

Max started preschool this fall. So far he loves it - although he has tested his teachers limits a few times. He is excited to go each day. I hope that continues. He goes Tuesdays and Thursdays for two hours in the afternoon. I must admit that the two hours go by way too fast! I am sure proud of him and love to hear him tell me about it each time. Here are a few pictures of his first day. He loves his spider-man backpack and wanted pictures of that rather than himself.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Garden Time

I love the end of August when our garden starts producing. It makes dinner so much easier and so much better - there is nothing like an all fresh veggie dinner. I must admit that keeping up with it all can be hard. As you can see, I waited too long in between zucchini picking, but Max thought the large squash was pretty cool.

He also had alot of fun with his tomato that grew a nose, then Mogie drew a face for him.
If I can keep it all picked and do something with all the produce it will be a miracle, but we love it all, the corn, tomatoes, beans, potatoes, and squash.

Babies - Babies - Babies!

It seams our families just keep growing and growing. Our sister-in-law Kristin had her baby boy Will on August 12th. Ali looked so big next to him! I can hardly even remember Ali being this small. It's amazing how much they grow in four months.

So next I had to take a picture of Ali with her cousin Belle. She is 4 months older than Ali, and once again, it's hard to imagine that in 4 months Ali will be this big. I don't know why the picture turned like this?

And to make it even funner, Ali will have two more cousins by the time she is one!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ali is 4 Months Old!

I can't believe how fast time flies by. My baby turned 4 months old on Saturday. Eric and I wanted to spend some time together as a family. We went swimming, got ice cream and then in the evening we went to Ryan's Place Park. Max had been wanting to take Eric there. I couldn't resist the chance to take some cute pictures of the kids!

Friday, July 11, 2008

4th of July Fun

The 4th of July is one of my favorite holiday's. I guess just because summer is in full swing. The last two years we have been in Mexico over the 4th and even though I would LOVE to be there again, Independence Day just doesn't have the same feel when your in Cancun! As tradition has it, we swam and then watched the fireworks at my moms house with family and friends.

Then we went to the pancake breakfast at with Gma Ed.

We wanted to go to the parade, but since no one got any sleep the night before, naps took priority, so we went to the Celebration Centre with Gma Donna, Gpa Kent, and cousin Chase.

The next day we went to the Aquatic Center as a family. Max loves the kiddie pool and Ali is too cute in her suit!

I just have to say that I am proud to be an American! I am so grateful for all those that came before me and made this country what it is. This is a picture of my cute grandpa standing as his Marine song was played at the fireworks. He is a WWII vet and I am so so proud that he is my pops. Thanks pops for your life and example!

Happy 4th!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Max at 3 years - Ali 3 months

We got the kids pictures taken at Kiddie Kandids. They were too cute not to share!

Ali's Blessing Day

Ali was blessed on Saturday, June 28th by her Dad. We decided to do it this day because we wanted to have Jake and his family here. We had a short program at the church. Along with the blessing Max and his cousins sang, "I Am A Child of God" and Eric and I shared our Testimonies. After we had dinner at our house. My children are so lucky - they have all 8 great-grandparents alive and they were all there. The only person missing was Vic (I guess a mission is a good excuse). Thanks to Erica's mom for the beautiful dress!